One of the favorite spots for the Nauvoo Discovery Program is “David’s Chamber,” a beautiful park on River Road. In the 1830s and 40s, the land was owned by Davison Hibbard, as part of his farm. Following the death of Joseph the Prophet and the tumultuous years that followed, the spot became a favorite place for the widow Emma Smith and her children. Such was the friendship between Emma and the Hibbards, that she arranged for Joseph and Hyrum’s remains to be moved there in 1846. She was concerned about the safety of her husband and brother-in-law’s bodies, and the Hibbard farm was actually the third of the five eventual burials of Joseph and Hyrum Smith.
In the twenty-or-so years the bodies were interred there, David Hyrum Smith, Emma’s final child, took a special liking to the place. He often wandered amidst the trees and considered his father. He actually wrote a poem about the place.
“There's an unknown grave in a green lowly spot,
The form that it covers will ne'er be forgot.
Where haven trees spread and the wild locusts wave
Their fragrant white blooms over the unknown grave
Over the unknown grave” 1
David Hyrum, a painter, poet, and musician, was known amongst the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, as the “Sweet Singer in Zion.” He painted an image of himself and his mother, along with two other girls, enjoying a picnic in what would come to be called “David’s Chamber.”
During the Civil War, Emma once again had the bodies moved back to her property. Nevertheless, “David’s Chamber” remains to this day a peaceful spot for contemplation and reflection or a lovely spot for fun and picnics.
David's Chamber is one of the jewels to discover here in Nauvoo.
Visit our website to learn more about The Nauvoo Discovery Program for YSA 18-30.
1 McKiernan, F. Mark. “David H. Smith: A Son of the Prophet.” Brigham Young University Studies 18, no. 2 (1978): 233–45.
2 “Bend in the River” by David Hyrum Smith, 1869.
3 Edwards, Paul. “The Sweet Singer Of Israel: David Hyrum Smith.” Brigham Young University Studies 12, no. 2 (1972): 171–84.