Serving Others
The Nauvoo Discovery Program has plenty of service opportunities throughout the program's semesters. Participants reach out to local people, groups, and the City of Nauvoo to discover how they can serve. These activities build compassion, community, and comradery and lift others' burdens.
Saturday, NDP & Local YSA gathered early on a cold winter's day to help move an elderly couple's items for them. Assisting others seems to lift the spirits of the giver and the receiver.
After helping Jake Coleman said of his experience, "It felt good."
Emmie McQuay relayed that, "It was a great experience. It was very cold, but when I was helping I didn’t even feel cold. There was a great peaceful spirit, and everyone showed great teamwork. This scripture has been on my mind last week ~ and this week." “ When ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God.”
Brandon Colvin said, "It was a good opportunity to serve. I am glad to have the opportunity to fulfill my priesthood responsibilities. I know that service is the best way to show our love to God."
Tyler Wilson shared that, "I felt the spirit so strongly. Having so many people there that were willing to help was amazing and it made the work go by quickly. It made the rest of my day feel fulfilled and purposeful."
Bethany reported that, "It was such a great experience! It was so freezing cold but there were so many people happy and willing to help! I am so glad I got to help out!"
Melenaite Longi said, "Helping Rachel’s family brought me so much joy! I’m pretty sure that’s how the Lord felt as he served those around him!!"
Serving The Nauvoo Discovery Program through Volunteering
The Nauvoo Discovery Program offers Senior Volunteer Opportunities. NDP's current Volunteers are Tom and Terri Winder, Arlene and Kent Blatter, and David Perkins, a local Nauvoo resident. These people assist the program as needed.
Terri Winder relayed that, "Offering unique experiences, the Nauvoo Discovery Program has provided the perfect foundation for our personal quest to learn more about Church history. From the moment of our arrival, we have felt a strong sense of community, purpose, and direction. We imagine that our pioneer ancestors who came to Nauvoo must have felt much the same way, as they were received by fellow saints. The program includes fun activities as well as educational and service oppotunities, while focusing on fostering spiritual growth and strengthening testimonies. We’re grateful to be part of this program and love living in this sacred place."
There are many different ways to serve others. It may take preparation and planning or come to our minds with just a moment's notice. Following those preparations or sudden thoughts of kindness can make a difference for the better.
What do you like about the Nauvoo Discovery Program?
We invite you to participate in The Nauvoo Discovery Program for a semester.
Applications for Winter 2025 are still open.
To learn more about The Nauvoo Discovery Program Contact Us and visit our Website
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If you know someone who might be interested in The Nauvoo Discovery Program for YSA ages 18-35 please share our Website with them.
If you know of a Senior Couple who would like to volunteer in the program please share our Website with them.
Thank You & Have a Nice Day :)
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